What are the features of a casket?
The term casket is most often interchanged with the term coffin due to its highly similar usage. However, they have their different specifications. The most distinct feature they have that every naked eye can see is their number of sides. Coffins actually have six or eight sides which make it hexagonal or octagonal in shape. Meanwhile, the caskets are those that are rectangular in shape having four sides. Originally, funeral caskets are referred to as the box for jewelries meaning they do not generally keep a dead body with them. Instead, important documents or belongings such as jewelries that needs to be kept are the ones stored in this receptacle. It was just in North America that the undertakers used the term as a euphemism. This was also made not just by an ordinary material but it is made of by the precious ones such as the gold, silver or ivory. In the Eastern part of Asia, the caskets were made of wood, porcelain and silk.Read full article: http://cardboardcaskets.wordpress.com/2014/01/16/distinct-characteristics-of-a-certain-funeral-caskets/
There are a wide range of caskets to choose from. You can choose metal, wood or steel caskets.